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Material kring äldres hälsa, sjukdomar och levnadsvillkor

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20 träffar

What happens when people develop dementia whilst working? An exploratory multiple case study

2023 / Louise Nygård, Ann-Charlotte Nedlund, Anna Mäki Petäjä Leinonen, Arlene Astell, Jennifer Boger, Mervi Issakainen, Ann-Louise Engvall, Birgit Heuchemer, Lena Rosenberg, Charlotta Ryd / Vetenskapliga publikationer

This study is an in-depth exploration of the unfolding experiences of five persons who developed dementia while still in paid work/employment, and of their significant others.

Use, usability, and impact of a card-based conversation tool to support communication about end-of-life preferences in residential elder care – a qualitative study of staff experiences

2022 / Therese Johansson, Carol Tishelman, Lars E. Eriksson, Joachim Cohen, Ida Goliath / Vetenskapliga publikationer

Proactive conversations about individual preferences between residents, relatives, and staff can support person-centred, value-concordant end-of-life (EOL) care. Nevertheless, prevalence of such conversations is still low in residential care homes (RCHs), often relating to staff’s perceived lack of skills…

Long-term care use among people living with dementia: a retrospective register-based study from Sweden

2022 / Atiqur sm-Rahman, Bettina Meinow, Lars-Christer Hydén, Susanne Kelfve / Vetenskapliga publikationer

Although many people with dementia need progressive support during their last years of life little is known to what extent they use formal long-term care (LTC). This study investigates the use of LTC, including residential care and homecare, in the month preceding death, as well as the number of months spent in residential care, among Swedish older decedents with a dementia diagnosis, compared with those without a dementia diagnosis.

A survey study of family members’ encounters with healthcare services within the care of older people, psychiatric care, palliative care and diabetes care

2022 / Pardis Momeni, Kristofer Årestedt, Anette Alvariza, Elisabeth Winnberg, Ida Goliath, Åsa Kneck, Janeth Leksell, Mats Ewertzon / Vetenskapliga publikationer

The aim of this study was to describe and compare family members’ experiences of approach in encounters with healthcare professionals within four care contexts. The design was an explorative cross-sectional survey study with data from the Swedish Family Involvement and Alienation Questionnaire-Revised (FIAQ-R).

The call-bell in residential care homes: Experiences of residents and staff

2022 / Anneli Stranz, Carol Tishelman, Bo Westerlund, Felicia Nilsson, Rebecca Hilton, Ida Goliath / Vetenskapliga publikationer

Call-bells are often taken-for-granted systems to heighten safety. In joint discussions among residential care home (RCH) residents, their family members, and staff, issues related to call-bell use in everyday life and work were repeatedly raised. In this article, we explore these experience-based perspectives, addressing several key questions important for call-bell use and communication…

Trends over two decades in life expectancy with complex health problems among older Swedes: implications for the provision of integrated health care and social care

2022 / Bettina Meinow, Peng Li, Domantas Jasilionis, Anna Oksuzyan, Louise Sundberg, Susanne Kelfve, Jonas W. Wastesson / Vetenskapliga publikationer

It is essential to examine to what extent rises in life expectancy (LE) consist of healthy or unhealthy years. We used a multi-domain indicator, complex health problems (CHP), to investigate how LE with and without CHP has developed in Sweden.

Continuums of change in a competence-building initiative addressing end-of-life communication in Swedish elder care

2021 / Therese Johansson, Carol Tishelman, Joachim Cohen, Lars E. Eriksson, Ida Goliath / Vetenskapliga publikationer

Conversations about values for the end-of-life (EoL) between residents, relatives, and staff may allow EoL preparation and enable value-concordant care. In this article, longitudinal qualitative analysis was used to explore changes in staff discussions about EoL conversations throughout workshop series.

Quality and cost-effectiveness in long-term care and dependency prevention

2018 / Lennarth Johansson, Pär Schön / Vetenskapliga publikationer

This report summarises policy developments in Sweden in relation to quality, cost-effectiveness and dependency prevention. Key policy developments are reviewed in health promotion, measures to support carers, use of care models and new technologies. and strategies to improve care coordination.